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Postgraduate Research Conference (Bradford University)

Bradford Üniversitesi (İngiltere) ile bölümümüz arasında yapılan işbirliği kapsamında Bradford Üniversitesi düzenlemiş olduklarını "Postgraduate Research  Conference" isimli konferansa katılım davetinde bulunmuştur.

Etkinlik ile ilgili bilgilere https://www.bradford.ac.uk/mlss/pgr-conf/ adresinden ulaşılabilir.

Etkinliğe katılmak için https://forms.office.com/e/BmQKmSgXU7  bağlantısında bulunan formun doldurulması zorunludur

Konferansın 1. günü (15 Nisan) yalnızca çevrimiçi olarak gerçekleşecek ve daha geniş bir izleyici kitlesine katılma ve katılım fırsatı sunacak.

Postgraduate Research  Conference Etkinlik Metni

In April 2024 the Faculty of Management, Law and Social Sciences will be delivering the 4th iteration of the Postgraduate Research Conference.

The PGR Conference aims to provide a platform for all of our current Postgraduate Researchers and Supervisors to share their ongoing research within a network of their peers including current academic staff across the Faculty and a wider PGR Alumni network. Over the 2 days we will be running a number of sessions including speeches, presentations, and poster displays which provide a platform for our researchers to promote their research.

We welcome submissions from all doctoral researchers to engage in discussions relating to a range of theoretical and methodological issues with the aim of enhancing their overall research, gaining valuable transferable research skills and being hosted in a safe, welcoming environment. Papers will be presented in parallel sessions across both days of the conference as we host a number of influential academics to deliver keynote lectures during the conference.

All postgraduate students are welcome to join the conference from the Faculty and wider University. We will also be welcoming guests from international partner institutions. The event will be host to key networking opportunities, skill building sessions and the chance to explore research from a broader perspective across multiple fields.